Arnold School senior garners one of USC’s top awards

April 12, 2013

Hayley Elia

Arnold School senior Hayley Elia
is USC’s Outstanding Woman
of the Year.

Hayley Elia, an Arnold School senior with a commitment to humanitarian efforts, is the University of South Carolina’s 2013 Outstanding Woman of the Year.

A South Carolina Honors College student from Columbia, Elia was selected for the honor from a group of five exceptional undergraduate finalists who were recognized March 27 in ceremonies at the Gressette Room of Harper College.

Elia is a graduate of A.C. Flora High School and the daughter of Jerry and Kim Elia. She is the second public health student to earn the prestigious award. Jessica Steele, a Carolina Scholar from Hilton Head, was the winner in 2010.

“The selection committee was in awe of Elia’s combination of humility, curiosity, intelligence, and proven commitment to service,” said Kim McMahon, USC director of campus life.

Elia said she has always known that she would like to devote her life to serving her community.

“When I entered USC as a freshman, I envisioned a post-graduate future that would allow me to make a community impact on the lives of others. Although unsure of the exact mechanism for accomplishing this goal, I knew that USC would be my vehicle

for achieving it,” Elia said.

Elia is the recipient of the University’s prestigious Carolina Scholar Award, which recognizes the academic achievements of South Carolina high school students. She is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Golden Key International Honor Society, Alpha Epsilon Delta, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and Alpha Lambda Delta.

She was director of International Alternative Spring Break Trips for the Carolina Service Council, leading a group of 11 students to a rural community in the Dominican Republic where they built homes for local families, reconstructed a community center, and planned activities for neighborhood children.

“This experience had a tremendous influence on my development as a humanitarian, campus leader and agent of service. My experience with international service instilled core morals values, and beliefs that will forever ensure my commitment to humanitarian efforts,” Elia said.

As vice president of the Carolina Service Council, Elia coordinates various community service events for students to participate in on campus and in the Columbia area. Her own service work includes volunteering at local non-profits such as the Lutheran Hospice and Palmetto Health Baptist Hospital.

Last year, Elia worked as a research assistant for the USC Chronobiology Lab and studied the psychological benefits of exercise on combat stress among Army veterans.

On campus, Elia promotes awareness and provides mentorship to other students through her involvement in campus programs and student organizations. In her essay for the Outstanding Woman of the Year competition, Elia quoted Eleanor Roosevelt, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

“Hayley exemplifies this truth through the nature and character of her actions and has inspired future generations of women at USC to pursue the beauty of their dreams and passions,” McMahon said.

Elia credits Arnold School Clinical Assistant Professor Dr. Kara Montgomery with inspiring her to become involved in research and service. It was Montgomery who nominated Elia for Outstanding Woman of the Year.

Elia said her plans are to complete a master’s degree in public health and then go to medical school. Eventually she would like to work for a United Nations organization, such as the World Health Organization or UNICEF.

The Outstanding Woman of the Year award is presented annually by the USC Women’s Student Services and Student Life. It is given to an undergraduate who demonstrates exemplary academic achievement, service and leadership and who is involved in campus and community activities.

Finalists for the award were Jennifer Hodshon, a junior elementary education major from Cary, N.C.; Jessica Kaczmarek, a junior chemistry major from North Augusta; Lauren Nottoli, a senior public relations major from Columbia; and Chelsea Ostebo, a senior marketing major from Fayetteville, Ga.


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