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Arnold School of Public Health
University of South Carolina
800 Sumter Street
Columbia, SC 29208

Phone: 803-777-5032
Fax: 803-777-4783



                                                                                                           Posted 10/27/2006

John Rainey dedicates garden, statue to wife, Anne,
close friend, Norman Arnold

Columbia attorney John S. Rainey on Friday dedicated a garden and a bronze statue to the “love of my life,” Anne Edens Rainey, and his close friend and mentor, Norman J. Arnold. 

“Anne’s Garden within the Arnold School of Public Health is my way of thanking two people who have contributed so much to my personal happiness and my public service,” said. Rainey, who is chairman of the State Board of Economic Advisors  

Anne’s Garden at the University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health is named for Anne Rainey of Columbia, who earned a bachelor’s degree from the university in 1961. 

The garden and its centerpiece bronze sculpture, “Las Palomas,” are located in the courtyard behind the Arnold School’s new building on Assembly St. They are a gift from her husband who earned his law degree from USC in 1965. 

Rainey described Norman Arnold as a person of “indefatigable courage,” who fought successfully against pancreatic cancer.  Later Arnold and his wife, Gerry Sue, made a major donation to the school which now bears his name. 

The Spanish name, “Las Palomas” translates into “The Doves,” in English.  Doves are revered as symbols of hope in the Bible, just as “Hope is the centerpiece for Anne’s Garden and the inspirational core for the Arnold School of Public Health,” he said. 

Anne Rainey is a founder of Columbia Green, a beautification organization in Columbia. The Raineys are active in numerous civic and community organizations in Columbia and throughout the Palmetto State.

“Las Palomas” is the creation of sculptor and printmaker Sandy Scott of Wyoming, considered one of the premier animal sculptors in the United States. Her work is featured throughout the country, including Brookgreen Gardens.

“Las Palomas” also connotes reflection, one of the “Rs” that signifies the features of Innovista.  The other “R’s” are research, retail, recreation and residential.  

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